A group of 10 creative people need your help to make a joint movie. At start of this creative process we need a lot of short videos about your Hell or Heaven perception of work in 2050. We need your video !
Look around and observe. What do you see, sense, taste, hear? What does your intuition tells you? Make a short 30-60 sec video with your smartphone. You can picture a situation, make a personal statement, act with others, picture yourself 30 years later or your (grand)children, everything is all right if it is about your perception on Work in 2050.
Simon Koolwijk, an enthusiastic movie maker who uses participative movie making as an instrument to facilitate change, will facilitate the production. Ronald Teeuw organizes the meetings.
Looking forward to your video post! Thanx for sharing and co-creating!
The steps in the process to the premiere are as follows. Contact us for more information.
We collected shots - until 15 August
Individuals all over the world provide shots – approx. 30 – 60 seconds, that show their heaven or hell perspective on how ‘Work in 2050’. Make a short movie about your perspective on the hell or heaven of work in 2050.
Result van be seen here: https://youtu.be/dT2lnDH8CPE
Scripting workshop - 20 August 18.00 – 21.00
Team ArtOfAgile developed a script based on the analysis of the shots and prepared the organization of the shooting day. You can find the script in the downloads: http://wix.to/AUBUAzA
Acting and shooting - 27 September 12.00 – 17.00
Actors are prepared for their acting and different roles (camera, sound. light. locations, costumes etcetera) are prepared. ACTION!
Editing – until 12 November
Editing by Simon, also using the original shots in the movie when appropriate. You get the possibility to give feedback online.
Premiere of Movie – 3 December 2019
Of course your credits will be mentioned and we will enjoy our co-creatiev effort!